Getting the right balance of greeting cards is an important part of retailing greeting cards. We thought we would share a recent installation that we have put in for one of our customers.
When it comes to optimising greeting card retail displays for a given area, each retail space is different, there is the location and position in store, the amount of space there is available for the racking and cards, the demographics and economic segment of a typical customers using the store, how the prices will fit in with other pricing strategies of the business and various other factors.
When considering these factors you also have to ensure the best coverage across greeting card titles. How will the titles be grouped together and flow across multiple racks (if you have the space), which ranges will make most sense in the positions (at Archway we have access to both DTR and wholesale ranges giving us ultimate flexibility).

A successful greeting card retail display is one which considers all of these factors and presents the right greeting cards in the right place at the right time to a passing customer. Customers should be able to easily understand the logic to how the racks are organised, be able to find the title they are looking for, have an opportunity to be impulsive and maybe pick a few more up in the process.
There are many variables that can alter which solution would be best. After 40 years we bring our long term experience in helping to customise retail displays to maximise the retail opportunity in greeting cards for a given space.

If you are wondering how to make the most of your space, contact us and we would be happy to discuss how best to approach your display options.